Pauline Centenary Celebration

The Pauline Family gathered at St Martha's Church, Strathfield NSW on Saturday, the 23rd of August 2014, for the Centennial Foundation Anniversary. The Papal Nuncio to Australia, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher DD, was the main celebrant of the occasiodiocesan priests of Sydney and Parramatta. n together with the parish priest, Fr Chris Slattery, Filipino chaplains, other religious and other diocesan priests from Sydney and Parammatta.

Those who attended the Eucharistic celebration are Pauline collaborators, benefactors and friends from various nationalities representative of the mixture in the Australian society today. An agape followed after the holy mass; and food multiplied as the guests came in the spirit of fraternal sharing. A video presentation showcased the Pauline Family as the whole, and the history of the Society of the Paul in Australia within the 60 plus years in "the land down-under." To date, the Society of St Paul, the Daughters of St Paul, the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master, and the Sisters of Jesus Good Shepherd “Pastorelle” and some Cooperators are present in Australia.  by Fr Ruben Areno  SSP